Monday, 2 November 2009


Some of the characters in the music video will be wearing clothing that resembles the pop punk culture and style; this involves clothing such as;
-Conversers or Vans shoes
-Tight jeans
-colourful tops
(To give you an idea of what they wear)

The main character Mike will also wear pop punk clothing to show to the audience that he is the same, or equal to the other characters

The couple on the couch will be wearing different styled clothing from each other to show us that they are very different, and maybe aren’t right for each other. The girl will wear pop punk clothing to show us that she should be with Mike. The guy and his friends will wear designer wear such as Henley or G-Star to make them out to be big headed and cocky, also to represent them as the popular kids
(To give you an idea of what they wear)


Main idea
• Main singer talking to a girl at a party (over-the-shoulder shot of his girlfriend looking at them).
• He goes to talk to his girlfriend but she rejects him and storms off.
• Singer starts singing into the camera (walks past a two men dressed as superheroes wrestling).
• He grabs a microphone which is thrown to him and starts performing with his band whilst girlfriend watches him.
• Shot-reverse-shot from band to singer’s girlfriend. She looks as though she is sympathising with him.

Two possible endings
• Singer finishes singing and gets back together with his girlfriend.
• He finishes and we see a point-of-view shot of her walking off with another boy.

Other ideas
• Storyline following a girl as she tries to please everyone and gets mistreated by her boyfriend whilst her best guy friend (singer) who secretly likes her watches her.