Thursday, 10 December 2009

Album Poster


Log In Sheets

Story Boards


Artist: This Months Confession

Song: Angel Eyes

Genre: Pop Punk

Target Audience: Teenagers

Outline Narrative: The video is a story with elements of performance included and is linear narrative. Mike Arnold (the lead singer) is at a party with his band and a girl that he likes is there but she has a boyfriend. So he decides to sing the song to her in the hopes of winning her heart. During the 3 second intro, a tracking shot will be used to go through the house in fast motion to show to us that it is set at a house party. After that we start of with a mid shot of a girl sat next to a guy with the guys arm round her. This is to show to us that they are in a relationship. However we see that the girl has a dull look on her face to indicate this isn't the best of relationships. We then see a full shot of Mike (the singer) come into the equation as he is looking at the girl, we then cut to a close up of the girl as she looks back at him showing to us that there may be something between the two, then we cut back to a close up of Mikes face to re-enforce this. We see the mid shot of the couple again to show the girls’ boyfriend turn her face back to him and then a mid shot of some guy’s grabbing hold of Mike. At this point the girl and Pidge are in different rooms, the girl is with her boyfriend while he talks to other people ignoring her, and Mike is with some guys, but is lip sinking the words. There are cuts back and fourth between the girl and Mike, and of Mikes friends enjoying themselves while he sings to show that he's thinking too much of her to enjoy himself. We then see a panning shot the girl walk out of the room, then another panning shot from the other room to show her getting a drink, then a full shot of Mike getting up and going over to talk to her. We see a few close up shots cutting back and forth from Mike to the girl to show they are talking. In-between those shots, we see a mid shot of the boyfriend in the room on the couch, then a full shot of a girl approach him, then cut back to the mid shot of the boyfriend with a sinister look on his face. After a while of the girl and Mike speaking she shakes her head to imply that she is turning Mike down, goes back to the room where her boyfriend is and Mike goes back with his friends. We then see a mid shot of Mike talking to one of his friends, then we see a close up of his friend shake his head after Mike says something, as if to say it wouldn't be a good idea to try and get with that girl. We then see a shot of the girl go back to her boyfriend but stops a the door, at this point we see an over the shoulder shot she sees her boyfriend making out with the other girl. The girl then has a stern look on her face, as if to say this is what she expected. The next shot is a mid of the girl as the other girl that her boyfriend kissed walks out the room past her, and a long shot and mid shot of her walking into the room and sitting down with him, as if nothing has happened. This is to enforce the lyrics "She hides it all," and to she tries to keep things on an even basis. The next shot is a close up of the faces of the boyfriend and his mate as they snigger with each other to show to us that he doesn't really care about what he's done. The next bit is Mike walks in to the room with a microphone in hand and starts singing to the girl. The girls boyfriend starts to laugh, but the girl walks over to Mike. This is to say that the girl has had enough of the boy and is leaving him for Mike. The guy then walks of with a blank look on his face to show he isn't really bothered and then we see a close up of Mike and the girl.

Resources: House, People, furniture, Instruments (Guitar, Bass, Drums and Microphone) amps, and a source to play the song

Crew: Ali, Joe and Frances

Time: 1 Week Filming, 2 Weeks Editing

Budget: £1 to £1000

Monday, 2 November 2009


Some of the characters in the music video will be wearing clothing that resembles the pop punk culture and style; this involves clothing such as;
-Conversers or Vans shoes
-Tight jeans
-colourful tops
(To give you an idea of what they wear)

The main character Mike will also wear pop punk clothing to show to the audience that he is the same, or equal to the other characters

The couple on the couch will be wearing different styled clothing from each other to show us that they are very different, and maybe aren’t right for each other. The girl will wear pop punk clothing to show us that she should be with Mike. The guy and his friends will wear designer wear such as Henley or G-Star to make them out to be big headed and cocky, also to represent them as the popular kids
(To give you an idea of what they wear)


Main idea
• Main singer talking to a girl at a party (over-the-shoulder shot of his girlfriend looking at them).
• He goes to talk to his girlfriend but she rejects him and storms off.
• Singer starts singing into the camera (walks past a two men dressed as superheroes wrestling).
• He grabs a microphone which is thrown to him and starts performing with his band whilst girlfriend watches him.
• Shot-reverse-shot from band to singer’s girlfriend. She looks as though she is sympathising with him.

Two possible endings
• Singer finishes singing and gets back together with his girlfriend.
• He finishes and we see a point-of-view shot of her walking off with another boy.

Other ideas
• Storyline following a girl as she tries to please everyone and gets mistreated by her boyfriend whilst her best guy friend (singer) who secretly likes her watches her.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Interview with Fan

How long Have you liked TMC for?
Around about 6 months I'd say.

What do you like about TMC?
They do their own thing and they don't really care or listen to the people who don't like them. They seem to concentrate on what their fans think.

How did you find out about them?
My friend told me about them, then later on i went to see them at the Parr Hall and they were ann amazing live band.

What were the band like live?
They wern't as patronising as most bands can be, and they didn't mess around much either. It was just songs and thats probably what most people secretly want at a gig.

Do you usually listen to muic of this genre?

What bands do they remind you of?
They remind me of bands like Jimmy Eat World and yellowcard, which is very good in my opinion.

What is your favourite song by TMC? Why?
Angel Eyes. It's describes emotions that I have felt.

Would you recommend them to anyone?
Yes. I would recommend it to friends and other people in my age group because they can really relate to them.

Is there anything you don't like about them?
Yes. The fact that they arn't big yet.

Lyric Analysis

Angel Eyes

She’s got angel eyes (Saying girl has angel eyes. Angels associated with beauty so this is saying that the girl is beautiful),
And everything u dream about (This describing this girls as the perfect girl)(Put “u” and “wana” shows it appeals to a younger audience),
Warm inside (Says girls has very good personality and is a warm hearted person you want to be with),
you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before
(Shows to us the writer isn’t saying it’s love at first sight, that this is more than just looks),
She hides it all (Show that she tries to please everyone).

Well she’s your friend, (Shows dilemma of situation because the girl is with someone else)
And I know why,
She hides it all.

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all
(Repetition is used to make it catchy and to make the focus of the song obvious).

She’s got angel eyes, she’s always been stood by your side (Re-enforce the girls loyalty and that she tries to please everyone),
Why o why, hasn’t she seen right through his lies,(Implies that the boyfriend is a cheat)
I know that I’ve, never seen anyone as beautiful as you before.

Well she’s my friend
(This is to bring dilemma to the situation and make song more interesting, because they are friends and he wants it to be more than friendship),
And I know why,
She hides it all

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all

.Well she’s got angel eyes, yah she’s got angel eyes
(Yah is used to give the song a more Rock like edge), she’s got angel ..........eyes,

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all behind her angel eyes,

(Generally, the song is about how the writer feels about a girl who is one of his friends)

Friday, 9 October 2009