Thursday 22 October 2009

Lyric Analysis

Angel Eyes

She’s got angel eyes (Saying girl has angel eyes. Angels associated with beauty so this is saying that the girl is beautiful),
And everything u dream about (This describing this girls as the perfect girl)(Put “u” and “wana” shows it appeals to a younger audience),
Warm inside (Says girls has very good personality and is a warm hearted person you want to be with),
you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before
(Shows to us the writer isn’t saying it’s love at first sight, that this is more than just looks),
She hides it all (Show that she tries to please everyone).

Well she’s your friend, (Shows dilemma of situation because the girl is with someone else)
And I know why,
She hides it all.

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all
(Repetition is used to make it catchy and to make the focus of the song obvious).

She’s got angel eyes, she’s always been stood by your side (Re-enforce the girls loyalty and that she tries to please everyone),
Why o why, hasn’t she seen right through his lies,(Implies that the boyfriend is a cheat)
I know that I’ve, never seen anyone as beautiful as you before.

Well she’s my friend
(This is to bring dilemma to the situation and make song more interesting, because they are friends and he wants it to be more than friendship),
And I know why,
She hides it all

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all

.Well she’s got angel eyes, yah she’s got angel eyes
(Yah is used to give the song a more Rock like edge), she’s got angel ..........eyes,

She’s got angel eyes, And everything u dream about,
Warm inside, you wana keep her safe inside,
I know that I’ve, never saw it there before,
She hides it all behind her angel eyes,

(Generally, the song is about how the writer feels about a girl who is one of his friends)

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