Thursday 1 October 2009

Music Video Questionnaire

1. How old are you? (Please circle) 16 17 18 19 20

2. Gender? Male Female

3. What is your favourite genre of music? (select 2)
Pop Rap Reggae Dance
Rock R&B Metal Classical Other_______

4. Do you prefer a narrative based or performance based music video?
Narrative based Performance based

5. Do you want to see the band/artist in the video? Yes No

6. Where would you like the music video to be set?
City House party Stage based Other.

7. Would you like to see special effects? Yes No
8. Would you like to see a...?
Comedy video Action video Romance video

9. Would you like the music video to amplify, illustrate or contrast with the lyrics?
Amplify Illustrate Contrast

10. Would you like the singer to be singing into the camera?
Yes No

11. Do you read music magazines? Yes No

What music magazines do you read?
Kerrang NME Big Cheese Mojo Other_________

What music channels do you watch?
MTV Magic Kerrang Scuzz VH1
Clubland Other_____________

14. Do you buy special edition box sets? Yes No

15. Do you prefer to see the artist featured on the album artwork? Yes No

16. Would you like to see dance routines in the music video? Yes No

17. Would you prefer the character to be a normal person?
Or other___________

18. Would you like to see the use of flashbacks in our video? Yes No

19. What is your favourite font type? Times new roman Broadway
Hobo STD Algerian
Franklin Script MT Bold.
20. What is your favourite font colour?
Red Green Blue Pink White Orange Black Other _____________

21. Do you download music or buy C.D’s? ____________

22. Do you think that music videos make songs more popular? Yes No

23. Would you like to see (a) male or female artist(s) Male Female Both

24. Do you think there should be a range of different camera angles? Lots A few

25. Would you prefer the video to be in black/white or colour? Black/white

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