Monday 28 September 2009

Lily Allen - Smile

Mise en Sense
The video is set in a working class surrounding to show us that the people in this video are going to be normal
The people who rob the man are wearing track suit bottoms and sports coats, this shows to us a negative stereotype of the youth being portrayed in the video
Lily Allens bedroom is red to show us that she has conotations of the devil
Use of Camera
Close ups and extreme close ups of Lily Allens face to show us the sad looks she has
Match on action between Lily and the guy to show the differents in feelings, Lily is happy and smug and the guy is angry and down
Faster paced editing is used when the guy is caught up in bad situations to show us how that the situations are bad

There are no special effects used in the video because it is ment to be identical to normal life.
The genre is pop music and we can tell through the steady beat and the catchy rhythm

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