Tuesday 22 September 2009

Prodigy - Hey Boys Hey Girls

Mise en Sense
The opening scene is a school bus and has kids jumping around, showing the stereotype that kids are very hyperactive. They are also wearing school uniform, witch shows them all blending in and no one stands out as different
Another setting is in a club at night, this shows the girl trying gto fit in and trying to be normal
Everyone in the club blends in including the girl to show that she doesnt stand out in any way
The skeletons are a holusination from what we think are drugs when she is in the club but we don't know for shore because she sees them when she is little

Use of Camera
Close ups of the girls face to show her obsession with skeletons
Tracking shot of kids on school bus to show them enjoying themselves and then to girl at the back to show that she is a misfit
low angled shot of the blonde kid who bullies the girl to show he is more powerfull
panning shot of dinosaur skeletons to enthesise her obsession with skeletons
High angled shot is used on school bus to show the girls a looking vunerable

Slow paced cutting
eliptical editing from when she is little to when she is grown up to highlight that we only see the important parts of her journey
slow motion to make the some of the scenes more tense
the editing matches the beat of the music

Special Effects
Strobe lighting to go with the music
Xray vision to show the girls love of skeletons

The girls has ginger hair, plays on the stereotype of what isn't considered to be cool. We see this when she is sat at the back of the bus on her own
The girls gets bullied by kid with blonde hair, shows that he is considered a cool kid trying to gain popularity by bullying someone else
The video is indirectly promoting dance culture but also exposes the negativity of the drug abuse and show it to be neither good or bad
The girl seeing everyone as skeletons shows that she sees everyone as equal and the same
She may not be on drugs because she sees skeletons when she is little

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