Thursday 17 September 2009

Lighthouse Family - I Wish

Mise en Sense
Set in the london underground, public transport is something everyone can relate to, this shows that the people in the video are normal
The man wears a hat to show that he is an artist (or singer)
Everyone wears similar cloths, everyone blends in to diggy settings, everyone is normal
Light at the end shows positive
The esculator shows how people are going up from darkness in to light

Use of Camera
Close up of people to show expressions of people
tracking shot of the singer on the train to show him helping the people
extreme close up of womans body to show how she is seen as an object

Flashbacks in dissolve to show that they are the individuals own problems
match on action between singer and the girls
eyeline match to show we can associate with the characters

Singer is helping people into the light but he stays in the darkness to carry on helping people
Everyone looks working class because they are all wearing normal and basic clothing
The girls has blonde hair, shows stereotype of what socialty thinks is attractive
The singer gives us a Jesus like feeling with him helping others and not himself, shows that there is a religious theme going on

The narative is non linear because it uses flashbacks to tell the story. There is also a direct mode of address meaning the singer is talking to the audience, and he is also looking into the lives of th e other characters. Also the music is the story and the performance, rather than using a dance routine. The song is amplified, saying that everyone has problems and we need to do more oppening up to each other.
Overall the band are represented as cool and mellow like we tend to see in a pop band, but they also are represented as a band that are more about making a difference rather than just about the music.

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